
Named for a lonely snail whose uniquely-shaped shell meant he couldn't mate with other snails, Jeremy is a game where you walk around an environment and attempt to determine if 8 pairs of objects are chiral or achiral.

A chiral object is one that can be superimposed on its mirror image. Sounds confusing but it's a little more straightforward than you think! If you pick up two of the same object (instructions for controls below) try to rotate them so that they look exactly the same in your (non-existent) hands. If they can be rotated to look the same, they are achiral. If they can't, then they're chiral. Chirality is a super important concept in chemistry.

Also apologies to the runners of the jam, I was meant to have a stereo in there to cover our bases for the 'frequency' signature prompt, but the model whacked out in the final build so I had to remove it. I hope you can forgive us!


WASD and space to walk and jump. Left- and right- click on items to hold them in your left and right hands.

Hold down left- and right-mouse button to rotate the items in your left and right hands. Then hit G to throw them in the appropriate well! Once you've thrown in all 16 objects, you'll be teleported to the scoring zone to see how well you did.


Assets: Will be fully credited as soon as possible! Just really needed to submit this under the time limit and the Web GL build was taking way too long.

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